Learning to live life in all its fullness
As Head of School, I would like to warmly welcome you to our Pinhoe C of E Primary School & Nursery website.
At Pinhoe, our staff, governors, parents and pupils work closely together to create an inspiring learning environment. Our school provides a safe place for children to grow, develop, learn and flourish. Our aim is to enable all children to become independent, resilient, and joyful lifelong learners.
Our values and aims are firmly based on Christian beliefs and principles, and these are evident in all we do. Our vision sets out a promise to all of our children to enable them to:
"Think Big" / "Flourish" / "Know Themselves" / "Make Good Choices" / "Be Positive Agents for Change"
We are fortunate to have staff that are dedicated and give their time generously to ensure that every child strives to achieve to their full potential on a daily basis. We understand the importance of supporting, nurturing and equipping children with the knowledge and skills sets that are necessary for them to succeed in our modern world.
Our pupils demonstrate a real love for learning and school. They display great spirit, enthusiasm and determination to be the best they can be.
Your child’s right to access the full Primary National Curriculum is only one part of our school offer. Our enriched curriculum is ambitious, stimulating and fully inclusive. It is our curriculum offer that fosters a love of learning and understanding of how children learn best. We have a school ethos where children's voices are heard, and they are encouraged to develop important personal skills and the ability to work with others.
Senior leaders and staff strive to attain the highest academic achievements possible for all pupils. We were delighted to have received the Primary Science Quality Mark in September 2023.
We are a school that care deeply about the development, success and well-being of all of our staff as well as our pupils and staff voice is equally important, listened to and acted upon, wherever possible to do so.
Our school website is designed to give you a flavour of the many wonderful things that go on in our flourishing school and we welcome all visits to the site.
Please contact the school reception to make an appointment.
I look forward welcoming you all.
Mrs J Metcalf - Head of School

Safeguarding Statement
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
- Think Big
- Flourish
- Know Themselves
- Make Good Choices
- Be Positive Agents
- For Change